Weebi Na Tidi!

by weebi


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Local shops use weebi to invoice clients and back-up their track sales.Why do they use it?1. Simplicity. Design is based on calculator, process replicate the way people invoice on paper. 2. Flexibility. Works offline3. Soundness. Local back up on SD or via own google drive, making privacy the default setting.What do they gain from it?1. Save time by automating time-consuming computing tasks2. Speed-up sales by easing updates of clients’ balances3. Save all invoices in a safe placeBonus features:Print invoices Send clients’ track records via any @chatFollow turnover evolutionMonitor most sold productsThe PlayStore may display the following message "This app is incompatible with your devices.". However the app is compatible with most Android phone and table (V.4). If you are unable to download the app on your mobile, please contact us we will send you an adapted version.